


This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Castleton State College (CSC) Highlights Spring 2007 1 Project Grant Lara Carlson June 2006 Lara Carlson presents at American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO August 2006 Lara Carlson presents at the VGN retreat. September 2006 CSC hires Carly Langlais, a new member of faculty in Molecular Biology and Microbiology. November 2006 Lara Carlson presides over American College of Sports Medicine, New England Chapter, Providence, RI February 2007 Lara Carlson, Abstract accepted for publication in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise March 2007 Lara Carlson, VT-EPSCOR presentation, Burlington, VT March 2007 Construction Starts On Jeffords Science & Math Building March 2007 VGN Grant Award Lara Carlson for PY3 March 2007 VGN Grant Award Carly Langlais for PY3 April 2007 Lara Carlson, Invited Presentation, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT June 2007 Lara Carlson, Presentation at American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, LA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Highlights Johnson State College July 1, 2006  June 30, 2007 + VGN Grant Awards 1 Project Grant Awarded - Dain La Roche 1 Student Summer Research Grant Awarded - Stephen Roy + VGN Director, Dr. Judy Van Houten visited the College in December and met with faculty and administration. + Students and a faculty member participated in the VGN Outreach trip to Boston, MA in March. + Faculty have held several meetings over the year to discuss the development of a department-wide research project. We are hopeful that pooling our scientific expertise and consolidating our research focus will foster a stimulating and viable research environment at the College. A decision on the specific project is expected by May. + Students supported by VGN funding are presenting their research at the annual showcase event for extended classroom experiences day at Johnson State College on April 19. + Stephen Roy, a 2006 recipient of a student summer research award is presenting his research at the annual VGN student career day on April 18. + A VGN sponsored career panel presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17. Panelists are Diane Jette, physical therapist and Chair of the Dept of Rehabilitation and Movement Science; Cheryl Collins, senior research technician, Jeff Simone, JSC alumnus currently employed by Ross and Associates, and Dr. Karen Lounsbury, Associate Professor of Pharmacology. + Proposed plans for the renovation of a chemistry research laboratory were repeatedly modified and resubmitted to NIH for approval. However, after nearly two years of work, the College decided it could not comply with the requirements mandated by NIH. The annual cost of heating/cooling the small space would exceed $8,000 if the mandated requirements were met. A redirection of these funds has been requested. + Dr. Dain LaRoche presented the following at the national meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in June 2006 in Denver, CO: D.P. LaRoche, Lussier, M., Roy, S. Effects of Four Weeks of Stretching on Active Torque Development.. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 38:5, S259, 2006. Students Stephen Roy and Jennifer Dickie attended the meeting with Dr. LaRoche. + Dr. Dain La Roche will be presenting the following at the National Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine this June in New Orleans: Explosive Force Production and Fractionated Reaction Time in Elderly Low and High Active Women, Dain P. LaRoche1, Christopher A. Knight2, Jennifer Dickie1, Melanie Lussier1, Stephen Roy1. 1Johnson State College, Johnson, VT, 2University of Delaware, Newark, DE. George Kamenos and Charlotte Roberts will attend the meeting with Dr. LaRoche. + Dr. Dain LaRoche had the following paper accepted for publication: D.P. LaRoche, Lussier, M, Roy, S., Chronic Stretching and Voluntary Muscle Force. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (In press). + Dr. Dain LaRoche has accepted a faculty position in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of New Hampshire beginning on 9/1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Middlebury College Highlights VGN Grant Awards  (from VGN office data) 3 Project Grants Awarded Robert Cluss, PhD Roger Sandwick, PhD Jeremy Ward, PhD 1 Pilot Project Grants Awarded Marcia Collaer, PhD 6 Student Summer Research Grants Awarded Nicholas Arger Brian Cook Suzanne Czerniak Thaddeus Davenport Ross Lieb-Lappen Julia Schwartzman Highlights. - Professor Stephen Sontum (Chemistry) organized a BioInformatics Workshop in conjunction with Peter Cooper, PhD, of NCBI and the National Library of Medicine, NIH. Originally scheduled for early February, the two-day Workshop enrolled over 60 participants. Inclement weather forced the Workshop's rescheduling to 14-15 March 2007, with over 40 students, faculty and librarians participating from Bennington, Green Mountain, Middlebury, and St. Michael's Colleges and from Norwich University and the University of Vermont. The lower enrollment in March mainly reflected fewer students, but also the absence of participants from Marlboro College who couldn't attend in March. - Professor James Larrabee (Chemistry) was named the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Chemistry and presented his Inaugural Lecture for that Chair, entitled "A Spectroscopist's View of Metals in Biology", on January 12, 2006. - Professor Rick Bunt (Chemistry) received the 2007 Perkins Award for Excellence in Teaching. This annual award honors outstanding teaching in science and mathematics. - Dr. Kristofor Langlais joined the laboratory of Professor Jeremy Ward (Biology) as a post-doctoral research associate. - Professor Chris Watters (Biology) was a co-Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education, 30 June, 1-6 July, at Bryant University, RI. The Conference included two preConference Workshops (on visualization design and visualization assessment) and culminated in the review and awarding of Visionary Grants, which provided seed funds in support of multidisciplinary research concerning visualization in science and education. He was also the PI for the NSF grant that supported the Conference and the related activities. Peer-Reviewed Publications (* denotes student collaborator): Collaer, M. L., Reimers, S., & Manning, J. T. (in press, expected April 2007) Visuospatial performance on an Internet line judgment task and potential hormonal markers: Sex, sexual orientation and 2D:4D. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, xx-xx. Maylor, E. A., Reimers, S., Choi, J., Collaer, M. L., Peters, M., & Silverman, I. (in press, expected April 2007). Gender differences in cognition across adulthood: Age is kinder to females than to males regardless of sexual orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, xx-xx. Choi, S.; Vastag, L.*; Leung, C. H.*; Beard, A. M.*, Knowles, D. E.*, Larrabee, J. A. "Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Guanosine Derivatives by Platinum(IV) Complexes" Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 10108-10114. Helen J. Young, Dan W. Dunning, and Kyle W. von Hasseln*. Foraging behavior affects pollen removal and deposition in Impatiens capensis (Balsaminacaeae). American Journal of Botany. Woodward, S.H., Kaloupek, D.G., Streeter, C.C., Kimble, M.O., Reiss, A.L., Eliez, S., Wald, L.L., Renshaw, P.F., Blaise, F.B., Lane, B., Sheikh, J.I., Stegman, W.K., Kutter, C.J., Stewart, L.P., Prestel, R.S., and Arsenault, N.J. (2006). Hippocampal volume, posttraumatic stress disorder, and alcoholism. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(4), 674-681. Senadheera, M.D*, A.W.C. Lee, D.C.I. Huang, G.A. Spatafora, S.D. Goodman, and D.G. Cvitkovitch. 2007. The Streptococcus mutans vicX gene product modulates gtfB/C expression, biofilm formation, genetic competence and oxidative stress tolerance. J. Bacteriol. 189:1451-58. "The Radical Addition of Dimethyl 2-Ethynylcyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate to Electron-Rich Olefins" Byers, J. H.; Goff, P. H.*; Janson, N. J.*; Mazzotta, M. G.*; Swigor, J. E. Synthetic Communications in press, 2007. "Radical Additions to (n6-Styrene) Chromium Tricarbonyl" Byers, J. H.; Janson, N. J.* Organic Letters, 2006, 8, 3453. "Thiocarbonyldiimidazole" Byers, J.H. Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, L. A. Paquette, Ed. Wiley, 2006. In Press (edited, not peer-reviewed) "Radical Reactions Mediated by Cyclobutadieneiron Tricarbonyl" Byers, J. H.; Sontum, S. F.; Dimitrova, T. S.*; Huque, S.*; Zhang, Y.*; Zegarelli, B. M.*; Jasinski, J. P; Butcher, R. P. Organometallics 2006, 25, 3787. Kim S, Namekawa SH, Niswander* LM, Ward JO, Lee JT, et al. (2007) A mammal-specific Doublesex homolog associates with male sex chromatin and is required for male meiosis. PLoS Genet. In press. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030062.eor Conference and Invited Presentations (* denotes student collaborator): *Oliver, L. C., *Beverly, S.K., Campbell, S. M., Collaer, M.L. (March 23, 2007). Stereotype threat on a visuospatial line judgment task. Presentation at the Eastern Psychological Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Collaer, M.L., Reimers, S., & Manning, J.T. (October 2006). Human visuospatial ability and the neurohormonal hypothesis: line judgment performance in relation to sex, sexual orientation, and digit ratios. Presentation at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, Atlanta, GA. Collaer, M.L. (February 21, 2007). Human Cognitive Sex Differences and their Potential Causes. Invited Panel Presentation to the American Association of University Women. Middlebury, VT Helen Young and Kristen Pelz*. 2006. Effects of habitat fragmentation on pollinator communities in New England. Mexican Ecological Society, Morelia, Mexico. Nov. 2006. Helen Young and Kristen Pelz*. 2007. Effects of habitat fragmentation on pollinator communities in New England. Evolution in Human-altered environments: an international summit. Feb 2007, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA R.K. Sandwick, R. Gamble*, E. Breuer*, A. Munanairi*, A. Livermore*, "Characterization of the Glycation Reaction of Ribose 5-Phosphate with Proteins." given at the XXIIIrd International Carbohydrate Symposium in Whistler, B.C., July 27, 2007 Roger Sandwick, Spontaneous Protein Glycation and AGEs: Is Ribose 5-Phosphate a Player? Department of Biochemistry, University of Vermont, March 30, 2007. Choi, S. "Mechanism and Kinetics of Oxidation of DNA by Pt(IV) Complexes", ESF-Cost High-Level Research Conference, Inorganic Chemistry, Metal-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Athens, Greece, November 12-17, 2006. Choi, S.; Vastag, L.*; DellaRocca, J. G.; Personick, M. L.; Larrabee, Y. C.; Larrabee, J. A. "Mechanism and Kinetics of Oxidation of DNA by Pt(IV) Complexes". The Vermont Genetics Network 5th Annual Retreat, Burlington, VT, Aug. 16, 2006. Choi, S.; Vastag, L.*; Leung, C-H.*; Beard, A. M.*; Larrabee, J."Mechanism and Kinetics of Oxidation of DNA by Pt(IV) Complexes", A. Gordon Conference, Metals in Medicine, Poster 11, The Queens College, Oxford, UK, July 9-14, 2006. Flack, W., Kimble, M.O., Brian, L.N., and Neacsiu, D. (2006). Unwanted Sex, Alcohol Use, and Hooking Up Among Students at Two U.S. Colleges. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA, November 2006 Kimble, M., Kaufman, M. and Kaloupek, D.G. (December 20, 2006). ERP studies in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Invited talk. Northampton Veterans Administration Hospital. Department of Psychiatry. Northampton, MA. Kimble, M., Kaufman, M.L., and Kaloupek, D.G. (2006). P300 and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. (October 6, 2006). Invited talk. Bucknell University. Harrisonburg, PA. Kimble, M.O., Batterink, L., Kaufman, R., Prust, M., Meyer, M, Lam C.F. (2006). Anxiety and the IGT: A test of the somatic marker hypothesis. 5th Annual Retreat of the Vermont Genetics Network. Burlington, VT. Seldin, L.* and G. Spatafora. 2007. S. mutans luxS expresi¿n is modulated by intermediary regulators that are subject to SloR control. 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Losambe, L.P.* and G. Spatafora. 2007. Streptococcus mutans bacteriocin expression is modulated by the SloR Metalloregulator. 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Dinh, T.*, C. Palmer* and G. Spatafora. 2007. Expression at the S. mutans TnSmu2 locus confers tetracycline resistance that is subject to SloR metalloregulation. 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Cook, B.T.* and G. Spatafora. 2007. The SloR metalloregulator modulates Streptococcus mutans glg gene expression. 85th meeting of the International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, LA. Newlon, L.A.*, E.M. Rolerson*, C.D. Palmer*, S.C. Swank*, and G.A. Spatafora. 2006. S. mutans mediators of sucrose-independent [P1] and dependent [GbpD] adherence are subject to SloR metalloregulation. 7th ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics, St. Malo, France. Abstract #218, p.170. Powell, Jr., W.F. , E.M. Rolerson*, C.D. Palmer*, and G.A. Spatafora. 2006. The GcrR/TarC response regulator contributes to S. mutans acid tolerance and is subject to SloR metalloregulation. 7th ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics, St. Malo, France. Abstract #B217, p.170. Rolerson*, E., N. Langer*, J. Shaw*, A Watson, J. Bond, and G. Spatafora. 2006. Identifying Streptococcus mutans manganese-responsive genes that contribute to virulence. Abstract #0846. Journal of Dental Research, Vol.85, Special Issue A. Larsen, F. B.; Bond, A. D.; Larrabee, J. A.; McKenzie, C. J. "Dicobalt II-II, II-III complexes: Spectroscopic Models for Methionine Aminopeptidase and Other Proteins that Contain a Dicobalt Active Site", TGS-70 Symposium, Princeton, NJ, October 2006. Larsen, F. B.; Bond, A. D.; Larrabee, J. A.; McKenzie, C. J. "Dicobalt II-II, II-III complexes: Spectroscopic Models for Methionine Aminopeptidase and Other Proteins that Contain a Dicobalt Active Site", Gordon Research Conference on Metals in Medicine, Oxford, UK, July 2006. "Radical Addition Reactions to Styrene-Transition Metal Complexes" Byers, J. H.; Janson, N. J.*; Griswold, M. K.; O'Mara,*, O'Mara, D. M. Poster Presented at 2007 EPSCOR Meeting, Burlington, VT, 2/28/07. "Radical Chemistry of Arenechromium Tricarbonyl and Cyclobutadieneiron Tricarbonyl Complexes" Byers, J. H.; Sontum, S. F.; Dimitrova, T. S.*; Huque, S.*; Zegarelli, B. M.*; Zhang, Y.*; Janson, N. J.* Poster Presented at 2006 Euchem Radical Conference, Bergen, Norway, 7/10/2006. Byers, J.H. "Transition Metal Templated Radical Reactions" Presented at Marquette University, Chemistry Department Colloquium, 2/2/07. Byers, J.H., "Love, Pain and Chocolate  Musings of a Structural Scientist on the True Meaning of Valentine's Day" Presented to Milwaukee local section of the American Chemical Society, Milwaukee, WI, 2/1/07. Byers, J.H. "Transition Metal Templated Radical Reactions" Presented at Dartmouth College, Chemistry Department Colloquium, 5/4/06. Watters, Chris, 2006. Seeing the data and beyond! A talk presented to an NSF Workshop on Visualization in Science and Education Workshop, Arlington, VA, 24-27 Sept. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Norwich University VGN Core Highlights 2006-2007: VGN Grant Awards 2 Project Grants Alison Fisher, PhD Karen Hinkle, PhD 2 Pilot Project Grants Carole Bandy, PhD Elizabeth Wuorinen, PhD Norwich is now officially registered as an IRB with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) February 22, 2007. Norwich University coordinated and hosted the first Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) Professional Development Seminar organized and sponsored by Vermont Genetics Network. Topics included, Mentoring Undergraduates, Technology Transfer and How to Setup and Manage a Laboratory. 2 10 2007. Presented a Careers In Science Panel Discussion March 8, 2007 where participants talked about their career paths and imparted current information to give students a greater opportunity for success in their choice of a career path. Organized two career lectures by Dr. Edward Feener and Steve Pino cosponsored by VGN. Obtained final approval from NIH to use architectural drawings done by Smith- Alvarez-Sienkiewycz, Architects, Burlington Vermont in 2004 to convert a storage/prep area into a research laboratory. (January 2007). The renovation project should begin and be completed during the summer of 2007. Six faculty submitted 5 grants applications in February 2007 to Vermont Genetics Network. Two of the 5 grants were renewals. All of the grants were funded, Three Norwich University students submitted summer grants applications in March 2007 to VGN. Two were funded. Norwich faculty research grants provided several students with paid research experience on VGN funded grants. Several faculty researchers identified and utilized grant reviewers prior to submitting VGN grant applications in February 2007. Dr Carney attended VGN coordinators and internal steering committee meetings including a diner meeting in Burlington Vermont on October 23, 2006. Mentoring experiences between Norwich faculty with VGN grants and their mentors were enhanced through more frequent contacts and in utilization of research space and equipment at the mentor's institution. Norwich faculty attended an informational session on VGN and Vermont EPSCoR funding presented by Dr. Judith Van Houten. Worked with Dr. Janet Murray, VGN Outreach Coordinator to continue the Microarry Outreach Program and plan for future workshop in bioinformatics at Norwich University. Adjunct faculty member Marina Brandon and 8 Norwich students participated in the VGN Outreach Program which took place in Boston, MA on March 20-21, 2007. Included in the program was a tour of the Darwin Exhibit at the Museum of Science, a lecture by a research scientist from the Whitehead Institute, tour of the Genome Sequencing facility at the Broad Institute at MIT and a tour of the Shire Human Genetic Research Company  700 Main St, Cambridge, MA. Norwich University faculty and administrators attended Vermont Genetics Network 5th Annual Retreat on August 16, 2006 at the DoubleTree Hotel, in Burlington Vermont. Poster presentations were given by VGN funded Norwich faculty. At the Retreat, Drs. Carole Bandy and Kevin Fleming from Norwich University and Dr. Matt Kimble from Middlebury College met professionally for the first time and discovered that they had similar research interests, which has led to the establishment of a collaborative relationship between the three psychologists. Facilitated a second internship experience at the University of Vermont for one of the Norwich students who took part in the VGN sponsored microarray workshop. The mentor at UVM is Dr. David Kerr of the Animal Science Department. Karen Hinkle continues to have a collaborative research relationships with the DNA Analysis Core Facility team at UVM. Students and faculty attended 5th Annual Student Career Day in Burlington Vermont on April 18, 2007 sponsored by VGN. Presentations: Alison Fisher " Ethylene Mediates Photoperiodic Flowering in Japanese Morning Glory" at the Vermont Genetics Network 5th Annual Retreat Burlington Vermont. August 16, 2006 (Poster presentation with undergraduates) Alison Fisher " From G6PHD to ethylene: The evolution of the scientific career of a WMU graduate" for the Department of Chemistry at Western Michigan University. October 13,2006 (Invited Talk) Karen Hinkle, PhD, James Koehler, Lynz Parker and Tom Smith - Norwich University,"Developmental Expression of the Gastric Acid Regulators Kvlqt 1 and Ae2 in the Mouse" Morning Glory" at the Vermont Genetics Network 5th Annual Retreat Burlington Vermont. August 16, 2006 Poster presentation with undergraduates) Karen Hinkle, PhD, Norwich University, "Developmental Expression Patterns of Gastric Acid Regulatory Channels in Mice" at the Vermont Genetics Network 5th Annual Retreat Burlington Vermont. August 16, 2007 (Poster presentation with undergraduates) Karen Hinkle presented her VGN funded research at the Faculty Scholarship Celebration at Norwich University on October 16, 2006. "Clues to the Timing of Early Gastric Acid Secretion in the Mouse: A Gene Expression Study" Students that worked with VGN funded faculty presented their research at the Student Scholarship Celebration in April, 2007. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Saint Michael's College Highlights VGN Grant Awards  (from VGN office data) 4 Project Grants Awarded Joanna Ellis-Monaghan, PhD Brian Kyte, PhD Malcolm Lippert, PhD Mark Lubkowitz, PhD 1 Pilot Project Grants Awarded Alayne Schroll, PhD 2 Student Summer Research Grants Awarded David Hughes Andrew Reid Highlights. Formation of IACUC and receipt of USDA Assurance Number Conversion of laboratory space for research with vertebrates and housing of research animals. Joanna A. Ellis-Monaghan  Individual Highlights Scholarly/Creative Accomplishments -- 2006-2007 Academic Year Publications: Published 1. J. Ellis-Monaghan, L. Traldi, "Parametrized Tutte polynomials of graphs and matroids," Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing, 15 (2006) 835-834. 2. J. Ellis-Monaghan, P. Gutwin, J. Lewis*, G. Pangborn, "Force-directed floorplanning with flexible blocks," Congressus Numerantium, 178 (2006) 147-159. Accepted 3. D. Archdeacon, P. Bonnington, J. Ellis-Monaghan, "How to exhibit toroidal maps in space," in press, Discrete and Computational Geometry. 4. J. Ellis-Monaghan, I. Sarmiento, "Distance hereditary graphs and the interlace polynomial," in press, Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing. Submitted 5. J. Ellis-Monaghan, I. Sarmiento, "The Tutte-Martin polynomial of an isotropic system and the vertex-nullity interlace polynomial." Mentored Student Papers 6. L. Beaudin, "A Review of the Potts model: Its Connection to the Tutte Polynomial and its Application to Complex Experiments," submitted to the Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal. New Research (Papers in Progress): Being Revised After Refereeing "Manipulating graph polynomials I: Formulations and algebraic tools" Discrete Mathematics. "Graph layouts with flexible non-overlapping nodes," (with P. Gutwin, J. Lewis, G. Pangborn). Being Typed "Weak Tutte Functions of Matroids" (with T. Zaslavsky). "Minimal Tile and Bond-Edge Types for Self-Assembling DNA Graphs" (with L. Beaudin '07, N. Jonoska, D. Miller '07, G. Pangborn). "Unit rectangle visibility graphs" (with A. Dean, S. Hamilton '07, G. Pangborn). "Some applications of the Tutte Polynomial" (with SMC students P. Bodkin and W. Sherman, '04, and UVM grad student M. Cox). "The Tutte Polynomial Mod P" (with I. Pak). "The Topological Tutte Polynomials of Bollobas and Riordan: Properties and Relations to Other Graph Polynomials" (with I. Sarmiento). "Oriented coverings and strand numbers in DNA constructs" (with D. Archdeacon, M. Debowski, N. Jonoska). "A unique, universal graph polynomial". "Considering a Chalkless Calculus". Manuscript G. Ashline, J. Ellis-Monaghan, "Financing your dream home," submitted by invitation to MAA Notes Series, Demos and Project: Tools for the Student-Centered Classroom. Pattern Matching in Rectilinear Designs (with J. Cohn, D. Nardi, and R. Snapp). Getting Results "Carbon Knots" (M. Cox [with UVM grad student], K. Mondanaro [SMC chemistry], T. Hughes [UVM chemistry]). "Rectangle Overlap Hypergraphs: From Visibility Graphs to Computer Chip Layouts" (with A. Dean). "Cheesecake Factoriesresolving Kn with a six-vertex graph" (with D. Froncek, D. Pike, L. Traldi). "Applications of Generalized Transition Polynomials" (with I. Sarmiento). "Mollusk Morphology" (with G. Ashline, Z. Kadas, D. McCabe). "Manipulating Graph Polynomials II: Interrelations and Generalizations". Editorial Boards: Editorial Board of PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Undergraduate Mathematics, a quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of teaching undergraduate mathematics, 2006-present. Grants: Received Vermont Genetics Network/INBRE Baccalaureate Funding, Project #5: $57,800, sabbatical support, June 2007-May 2008. EPSCoR support for Netlist project: $10,000 (co-PI, G. Pangborn PI), Summer 2006. Cadence Design Systems undergraduate research support for Netlist Project: $3,500, Spring/Summer 2006. NSA Young Investigator Grant ($55,500), Summers 2007 and 2008. NASA Vermont Space Grant Consortium Student Mentoring Support ($8,000) (co-PI, G. Pangborn PI). Workshops VGN-EPSCoR grant writing workshop, SMC, 6/7/06. VGN-EPSCoR professional development workshop, Norwich University, 2/12/06. VGN-EPSCoR retreat, 8/17/06. Grant Supported Student Research Projects: Laura Beaudin, The Tutte polynomial and the Potts model, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2006-Spring 2007. David Miller, Minimum pot sets for DNA self-assembly, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2006-Spring 2007. Andrea Austin, DNA sequencing and Euler Circuits, Vermont Genetics Network, Spring 2007. Jonathan Kaptcianos, DNA sequencing and Euler Circuits, Vermont Genetics Network, Spring 2007. Mary Cox, Carbon knots and the Tutte polynomial, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2006. Sarah Hamilton, Developing Graph Theory Tools for Netlist Layout, NASA-Vermont Space Grant Consortium (co-advised with G. Pangborn), Summer 2006-Spring 2007. Jamey Lewis, Graph theoretical techniques in netlist layout. Cadence Design Systems Grant, (co-advised with G. Pangborn), Summer 2006. UVM Masters Students: Jess Scheld, DNA sequencing and Euler Circuits. Co-advisor and thesis committee. Defense, Spring 2007. Presentations: + "Graph theoretical approaches to netlist layout," (poster, with A. Dean, P. Gutwin, S. Hamilton, C. Jennings, J. Lewis, G. Pangborn), Vermont EPSCoR Annual Meeting, March 2007. + "A Little Statistical Mechanics for the Graph Theorist," Thirty-Eighth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, March 2006. + "From Potts to Tutte and back againa graph theoretical view of statistical mechanics" (with applications), USF, Tampa, FL, January 2007. + "From Potts to Tutte and back againa graph theoretical view of statistical mechanics" (with applications), UPenn, Philadelphia, PA, November 2006. + "Graph theory and its applications," Sacred Heart Country Day School, Philadelphia, PA, November 2006. + "Graph polynomials and DNA Structures," (poster), Vermont Genetics Network Retreat, August 2006. + "An introduction to the Potts model," SMC/UVM joint combinatorics seminar, October 2006. Refereeing: Reviewed one paper for Mathematical Reviews, perhaps the single most important research tool in the field. Refereed two papers for Discrete Mathematics. Refereed one paper each for the International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, PRIMUS, and the Journal of Graph Theory. Conferences Attended: Discrete Math Day, Skidmore College, September 2006 (Also brought students S. Hamilton, L. Beaudin, and D. Miller). Fourteenth Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Siena College, MA, April, 2007. Thirty-Eighth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, FAU, Boca Raton, FL, March 2007. Joint UVM/SMC Applied Combinatorics Seminar, biweekly. (Attended each session with various SMC students). Ongoing Industry Collaborations: Netlist Partitions: seeking tools from graph theory and geometric combinatorics to find a wiring layout on a chip within the space and timing parameters of the design, with P. Gutwin and B. Mozumder (Cadence), Greta Pangborn (SMC CS Department), Alice Dean (Skidmore College), Spring 2002present. Software Development: Developed a Java program for addressing various micro-electronics industry computer chip-layout problems such as floorplanning and automating small problematic configurations. Joint work with P. Gutwin, J. Lewis, C. Jennings, and G. Pangborn. Curriculum Development: MA 102 (Elementary Statistics): First time teaching this course in over ten years, so basically started from scratch. Built the course on e-college, providing students access to lecture slides, interactive applets, and course software. Used a feedback tool at the end of each section to provide immediate assessment of student comprehension during class. MA 109 (Calculus I): Ported much of the course material to E-college, and established threaded discussion sites for students to post and reply to homework questions. Piloted laptop computers in wireless JEM 3rd floor environment. MA 211 (Calculus III): Refined a comprehensive course-long integrated project modeling snail shells on Maple. Ported some of the course material to E-college, and established threaded discussion sites for students to post and reply to homework questions. Campus Presentations (Speakers Brought to Campus): Jeff Parker, Merrimack College, "Suffix Trees," 11/9/06. Committee Work: Pension Committee, Academic years 03-07. Other SMC Service and Involvement: Piloted new tablet PCs. Pontigny Society. Participated in LEAP, Spring 2007. Greater Mathematical Community Service: Joint SMC/UVM Applied Combinatorics Seminar (formerly the University of Vermont Combinatorics Seminar) Co-Organizer, 2000present. Professional Memberships: American Mathematical Society. Association for Women in Mathematics. Mathematical Association of America. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Ari Kirschenbaum  Individual Highlights External Grants awarded: VGN $10,000 pilot funding (submitted 10/2005) work delayed until spring 2007 when IACUC approval was obtained + Intramural grant Junior faculty summer stipend, June 2006, $3000 + Publications Kirshenbaum, A.P., Bickel, W.K., & Boynton, D.M. (2006). Opioid withdrawal engenders risk-prone choice: A comparison of intranasal and intravenous-using populations. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 83, 130-136. + Oral Presentations: Kirshenbaum, A.P. (2007). Animal welfare and public health. A Psychology Department presentation. Kirshenbaum, A.P. (2007). An argument for a rational drug-control policy. Presented at the Social Science Resource Center's annual colloquium. Kirshenbaum, A.P. (2006). Nicotine and behavior: The paradoxical effects of the most addictive drug. Presented to the Psychology Department and Psi Chi Honors Society, Saint Michael's College + External collaborations: Currently collaborating with Dr. Jom Hammack, UVM Psychology department + Students supervised: Names, project status David M. Hughes: The effect of nicotine on an operant test of impulsivity in rats, ongoing Seth J. Brown: Chronic nicotine administration in rats, ongoing Megan J. Murphy: Psychophysiological Measurement of Human Sexual Attraction Based on Fertility Status Detected through Odor Changes across the Female Life Span, completed + Student presentations Murphy, M.J., & Kirshenbaum, A.P. (2007). Psychophysiological Measurement of Human Sexual Attraction Based on Fertility Status Detected through Odor Changes across the Female Life Span. Presented at the New England Evolutionary Psychology Society annual conference. Brian Kyte  Individual Highlights Conference Presentations/Organizational Efforts Presentation November 2006, Brian G. Kyte*, David C. Baker "Synthesis of Hyaluronic Acid Mimetics to Prevent Cancer Metastasis" American Chemical Society Regional Meeting, Middlebury, Vermont Poster September 2006, Heather Rideout*, Brian G. K



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{{ item.title }}
{{ item.translation_title }}
  • DOI:
    {{ item.doi }}
  • 发表时间:
    {{ item.publish_year }}
  • 期刊:
  • 影响因子:
    {{ item.factor }}
  • 作者:
    {{ item.authors }}
  • 通讯作者:
    {{ }}

{{ truncateString('JUDITH L VAN HOUTEN', 18)}}的其他基金

  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
Vermont Genetics Network-Vermont INBRE
佛蒙特州遗传学网络-佛蒙特州 INBRE
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
Vermont Genetics Network-Vermont INBRE
佛蒙特州遗传学网络-佛蒙特州 INBRE
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:


  • 批准号:
  • 批准年份:
  • 资助金额:
    30 万元
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 批准年份:
  • 资助金额:
    32 万元
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 批准年份:
  • 资助金额:
    55 万元
  • 项目类别:
  • 批准号:
  • 批准年份:
  • 资助金额:
    35 万元
  • 项目类别:


Influence of retinal ganglion cells on visual neuron identity in superior colliculus
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
Dynamique à long terme d'un peuplement d'érable rouge (Acer rubrum) à la limite nordique de l'espèce
Dynamique à long terme dun peuplement dà rable rouge (Acer rubrum) à la limite Nordique de lespéce
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
    University Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Potentiating Psilocybin
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
HEPA Filtration on Reducing Cardiometabolic Risk During Wildfires
HEPA 过滤可降低野火期间的心脏代谢风险
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
Potentiating Psilocybin
  • 批准号:
  • 财政年份:
  • 资助金额:
    $ 57.55万
  • 项目类别:
{{ showInfoDetail.title }}

作者:{{ }}
