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Context-aware applications support users with additional services and functionalities in a situational manner and based, of course on their context. Mobile devices play a vital role in such scenarios, allowing for gathering and processing of information via physical and physiological sensors, taken directly from users’ environments. Context-aware applications, for example, can obtain users’ current locations, activities, as well as their emotions and stress levels. Collaborative context-aware applications gather and combine data of multiple users improving the recognition and prediction of such information, commonly realized via machine learning. By using additional entities, new routines, and information on people’s behaviour can be extracted. Such collaborative processing of information, unfortunately, poses a significant risk to privacy, as sensitive and person-related information is processed on external entities. The goal of this project is, therefore, to design collaborative context-aware and mobile applications as well as machine learning algorithms while considering normative requirements of the law and computer science. By using the method for concretizing normative requirements (in German: Methode zur Konkretisierung Normativer Anforderungen (KONA)) legal as well as technical criteria, requirements, and designs will be derived. In the course of the project, normative requirements will be further extended to apply to concrete technical designs, addressing legal (e.g., data scarcity and transparency) as well as technical norms and criteria (e.g., recognition accuracy and processing times). This still-to-be-developed method KONA will be evaluated on two mobile collaborative context-aware applications as well as machine learning algorithms to recognize and predict contextual information.
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The purpose of the proposed research project is, as a first step, to revise the theory of Kac-Moody symmetric spaces in order to also cover the affine case and the field of complex numbers, in particular to describe the causal structure in this more general setting, to identify the twin building at infinity with respect to this causal structure, and to establish boundary rigidity.Boundary rigidity, as a second step, will then allow us to extend Galois descent of complex Kac-Moody groups, resp. complex Kac-Moody twin buildings to complex Kac-Moody symmetric spaces by extending the Galois automorphism at infinity to a Galois automorphism of the symmetric space, thus enabling us to initiate the study of almost split real Kac-Moody symmetric spaces. Along the way we will establish some (partial) classification results for connected topological Moufang twin buildings and extend the theory of topological Kac-Moody twin buildings also to the symmetrizable non-two-spherical situation.As a third step, we will investigate Kostant convexity properties related to the question whether the causal structure on the symmetric space actually defines a partial order.The proposed research is set within the rigidity theme of the priority programme and will benefit from the interaction with other projects concerned with buildings, symmetric spaces, Lorentzian geometry, and spin structures.
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The research groups at the BNMRZ employ NMR spectroscopy to obtain molecular and mechanistic insight for essential biological processes that underlie physiological and diseaselinked cellular processes. The application concerns a replacement console for a 500 MHz WB solid-state NMR spectrometer. Research topics involve the analysis of protein structure and dynamics of amyloid fibrils, membrane proteins and virus assemblies. An additional focus area is the development of methods for MAS solid-state NMR. The 500 MHz spectrometer is essential for this work, as MAS solid-state NMR experiments will be implemented and tested first at low field, before experiments involving biologically interesting samples will be performed at higher magnetic field strengths.
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The research groups at the BNMRZ employ NMR spectroscopy to obtain molecular and mechanistic insight for essential biological processes that underlie physiological and diseaselinked cellular processes. The application involves an 800 MHz NMR spectrometer which will be employed for solution-state as well as MAS solid-state NMR. Research topics involve the analysis of protein structure and dynamics of amyloid fibrils, membrane proteins and virus assemblies. In solution, membrane protein nanodisc assemblies, protein-RNA and proteinchaperone complexes are investigated. An additional focus area is the development of methods for solution-state and MAS solid-state NMR.
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Neuronal activity-driven gene expression is the basis for long-lasting adaptations of the brain that are crucial for cognitive functions including learning and memory. The functions of prominent activity-induced genes, such as Bdnf, Egr1 or Npas4, have been mostly examined in rodents. These studies have revealed central, plasticity-related functions for them and it is generally believed that, in principle, their roles are conserved in other mammalian species, including primates and humans. By and large, this is most likely correct. However, the activity-driven gene expression program is not fully generic and not identical between species. For example, it has been shown recently that a small number of the genes that are turned on by synaptic activity in human neurons do not have orthologs in rodents. One of those genes that stands out is the long non-coding RNA gene, LINC00473, a primate-specific gene that is rapidly and particularly robustly upregulated by synaptic activity in human neurons. However, as anticipated for a gene that lacks a mouse counterpart, its functions in neurons are uncharacterized. Since the activity-driven gene expression program is required for cognitive functions, we hypothesize that LINC00473 may have influenced the evolution of brain functions in the lineage leading to humans. Our preliminary data show that humanizing mouse neurons with LINC00473 expression affects plasticity-associated processes, a result that is in line with our hypothesis. In this project, we propose to use gain-of-function experiments in mouse neurons in culture and in mice in vivo, as well as loss-of-function approaches with human iPS cell-derived neurons to study the impact of the primate-specific gene, LINC00473 on neuronal morphology, intracellular signaling, gene regulation and electrophysiological properties, as well as the underlying mechanisms. Behavior studies will be done to examine if humanizing mouse neurons via expansion of the mouse transcriptome with an eminent primate-specific, activity responsive gene affects cognitive performance. Identification of the functions of LINC00473 in neurons may reveal mechanisms that have taken part in driving evolutionary enhancement of human cognitive abilities.
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The goal of this project is the digitalization and analytical indexing of the archival collection "Alfred Krupp (1812-1887) and his wife Bertha, née Eichhoff (1831-1888)" at the Krupp Historical Archive. Alfred Krupp ranks among the world's most important entrepreneurs during the age of industrialization. The documents, among them records, photographies and further images, touch the topics of economy, politics, the social question, and technology. The documents are unique, and their significance includes the written documents as well as the photographs. There is no known collection of other entrepreneurs from this time period with a similar density of information. The collection spans 25 running meters, has a retention period from 1826 to 1887, and comprises 1.763 units of description. As a first step, these units of description (items) of the collection are to be digitalized by an external service provider, in close coordination with the Krupp Historical Archive and in consideration of the DFG-rules for "Digitalization". Subsequently, the rudimentary descriptive identification of the items, dating back to the 1900s and 1930s, is to be revised and supplemented by deep, analytic descriptions. For this, the archival software FAUST will be used.In a third step, the descriptive identification will be migrated into a EAD(DDB)-compliant XML-format, supplemented by metadata-files and uploaded to the portal www.archive.nrw.de, which will link to the files. The thyssenkrupp AG IT-department will store the files and keep them accessible to the public.Finally, www.archive.nrw.de will provide the data to the Archivportal D, the German Digital Library, and the Europeana. Thus, it will be made available for national and international research.The project is part of a long-term revision and re-indexing of core collections of the Krupp Historical Archive and will function as a kick-off for a strategic digitalization of its main collections.
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This project deals with the construction of Riemannian manifolds with scalar curvature constraints via geometric and analytic techniques, satisfying properties motivated by open questions in general relativity. More precisely, an isolated system in the universe (as a star, galaxy or black hole) can be modeled as a solution of the Einstein equations, which constitute a highly non-linear set of geometric PDE's. A very successful way to study solutions to the Einstein equations is by means of its associated Cauchy problem, in which the initial state of the universe is represented by a Riemannian manifold and its initial velocity by a symmetric 2-tensor, such that the manifold and the 2-tensor satisfy the so-called constraint equations, which in particular impose conditions on the scalar curvature of the manifold. Choquet-Bruhat [1952] proved that these constraints are sufficient to guarantee existence of a local solution. Unfortunately, solving the constraint equations is a difficult task, and besides the conformal method developed mainly by Lichnerowicz and York, not many methods are available to do so. It is therefore of high interest to develop new techniques to solve them, that is, to construct Riemannian manifolds together with symmetric 2-tensors satisfying the constraint equations. Recently, Racz [2016] proposed a new approach in which the constraint equations can be rewritten as a parabolic-hyperbolic system for which local existence can be guaranteed. However, it is unknown which conditions could be imposed to obtain global existence and asymptotic flatness (i.e., models of isolated systems). For the case that the symmetric 2-tensor is identically zero, such conditions were established by Bartnik [1993].The objectives of this project can be divided into two groups:Main objective. The adaptation of Bartnik's construction to allow a non-trivial symmetric 2-tensor to show global existence of Racz's system; this would lead to asymptotically flat solutions of the constraint equations. Estimate the ADM mass (a notion of total mass) of these solutions and verify that they constitute a family of manifolds for which the Penrose inequality conjecture holds.Secondary objective. Restricting to the case when the symmetric 2-tensor is identically zero, study the stability of the positive energy theorem, the Riemannian Penrose inequality and some notions of quasi-local mass. That is, develop techniques to study the convergence of sequences of asymptotically flat Riemannian manifolds (obtained via certain PDE methods) with non-negative scalar curvature, with respect to different notions of distances between manifolds, for example, Sormani-Wenger's intrinsic flat distance. Then, use these techniques to study the stability of the positive mass theorem for the family of manifolds obtained as part of the main objective.
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Magnetic nanoparticles are among the most diverse nanomaterials and gain increasing industrial interest since they can be processed with magnetic fields and separated from complex mixtures. The goal of this innovative project is to develop a millifluidic separation process which allows the fractionation of singular yeast populations. This allows to investigate the influence of exogenous stressors on the physiological properties of yeasts depending on their age. Yeast will be classified magnetically according to cell age with a millifluidic flow cell in order to give a reliable statement on the influence of cell age and heterogeneity of yeast cells on the production in the food industry.Cell division of yeast cells leads to a bud scar on the mother cell. Thus, the number of bud scars directly correlates with the cell generation. Bud scars contain significant amounts of chitin which is therefore an indicator for cell generation as well. To separate the cells according to their cell age, magnetic nanoparticles, which are functionalized reversibly via a His-tag system with a protein containing chitin binding domain (ChBD), are bound to the bud scars through the ChBD. This binding of MNP to the bud scars acts as a magnetic marker. Yeast cells are affected by magnetic fields while passing the flow cell and thus fractionated according to their magnetic properties. The arrangement of the magnetic field, the flow geometry and the flow rate facilitate a fractionation depending on the MNP content and agglomeration size.The fractionation of yeast cells according to their age will help to answer fundamental questions on the expression of stress relevant genes in singular cells and the influence of the cell age on the fermentation performance. Furthermore, the population dynamic in dependence of the physiological properties can be investigated. To answer these questions is of great scientific interest since it is very difficult to determine the age of yeast cells and this investigation will pave the way to a deeper understanding of heterogeneous and homogeneous cell systems.
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This project explores US-American mass culture of the early 20th century with a close attention to its trans-Atlantic circulation and repercussions. It responds to the fact that the big dance revues of the 1910s and 20s gained emblematic significance for industrial modernity at large. The correspondences between these hyper-organized entertainment formats and the system of Taylorized mass-production are obvious, and constituted an apt point of departure for numerous theoretical approaches to mass culture from the 1910s onward, culminating, arguably, in Siegfried Kracauer’s compelling concept of the ‘mass ornament’ formulated in 1927. What Kracauer and other critics before and after recognized as a core signature of modernity, is addressed by this project as the aesthetics of multiplication. This means to regard mass culture not primarily as the engine of transformation and outbidding that it indubitably also is, but to focus on a mass-cultural productivity that seems purely mechanical and imitative. In contrast to seminal recent theories of mass culture that emphasized pluralization and diversity as its core principles (Makropoulus), this project aims to valorize and reassess the creative potential of multiplication. In doing so, it also responds to the tendency to juxtapose a ‘good’ (subversive, diverse, plural) popular culture and a ‘bad’ (repetitive, mindless, complacent) mass culture and to tacitly assign this juxtaposition with gendered attributes. Significantly, together with its attendant factors of excess, accrual, and growth (rather than progress), multiplication is often characterized as a feminized quality. It perpetuates and simultaneously complicates the assessment of mass culture ‘as woman’ (Huyssen). The project will branch out in three subprojects. SP1 will be concerned with the manifestation of the aesthetic of multiplication in the overlapping creative spheres of variety and film in close recourse to female agency—dancers, actors, directors, writers, and characters who all make use of ornamentality in ways that both implement and appropriate techniques of multiplication. SP2 will look into the multiplicatory agency of modernist body cultures and trace them from their unfolding in the arena of sport, gymnastic and dance into modernist experimental poetry. SP3 will engage with the evocative potential of body images in photography and graphic culture on the one hand and the medium of the modernist scrapbook on the other. All three subprojects wil explore material that has up to now been afforded little scholarly attention and correlate these readings with reassessments of seminal texts of mass-cultural criticism of the early 20th century.
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The characteristics of bathing culture in the Roman imperial period have long been examined in scholarship. However, the predecessors of the late Republican period have received little attention, even though over 20 baths of this period have been discovered in the western Mediterranean. Baths do not play a significant role in current debates about the expansion of Rome in the western Mediterranean, and topics such as urbanization, cultural exchange, transfer of knowledge and integration in the Roman world. The only exception are the Stabian Baths in Pompeii, which the architect Hans Eschebach discussed in a book, published in 1979. For this complex, he reconstructed an influential model of cultural-historical development: on the terrain of Pompeii’s Archaic Altstadt wall, a Greek palaestra with baths would have been built in the 5th century BC and transformed, in five phases, into Roman-type baths until the early Imperial period. While scholars repeatedly criticized this model, they did not carry out any new research. A project that was funded by the EXC Topoi from 2015 to 2018 aimed at filling this gap in research. Four campaigns in the Republican Baths of Pompeii and three campaigns in the Stabian Baths yielded significant results for revising the history of the city and of ancient bathing culture. Both baths were built in the second half of the 2nd century BC as Roman-type baths, on largely unbuilt terrain. The Republican Baths were abandoned in 30/20 BC, whereas the Stabian Baths were modernized three times before the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. Funding is requested here for the fourth and last excavation campaign in the Stabian Baths and for evaluating and promptly publishing this building. The campaign will clarify important open questions regarding the technology (heating system, water management) and the relationship between the baths and an adjacent house. The evaluation will integrate the basic research in the Stabian (and Republican) Baths with larger questions and examine the following aspects: the significance and perception of the baths in the urban landscape; the importance of the baths for the societal and political development of and the cultural influence on Pompeii; the combination of thoroughly investigated archaeological evidence with research on the history of mentality and culture regarding bathing; and the significance of baths for current theoretical discourses on the expansion of Rome and its consequences in the mid- and late Republican period. The holistic approach of the proposed project aims at providing reliable data for the long neglected investigation of changes in late Republican and early Imperial bathing culture; and at fruitfully employing theoretical models for interpretation.
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For manufacturing companies, it is of high relevance to design the production of components in such a way that the required component characteristics are manufactured with minimized time and cost investments. Until now, the individual processes for manufacturing a component were often considered separately from each other and only merged at higher planning levels. However, the cross-technology consideration of process sequences offers a high optimization potential, because the individual processes and process parameters are thus coordinated in a target-oriented manner. At the same time, increasingly shorter product development cycles mean that process sequences have to be designed in a short time. Therefore, fundamental models and methods are needed that support the rapid determination of economically optimized process parameters for process sequences.So far, no approach has been developed to quickly determine economically optimized process parameters for process sequences, taking into account the dependencies between the individual manufacturing processes and component characteristics. In order to close this research gap, a methodology will be developed in the proposed research project to determine economically optimized process parameters for process sequences on the basis of cross-technology metamodels. Metamodels map input-output correlations for individual manufacturing processes, exclusively resorting to a selection of the most important parameters for the application and thus enabling relevant insights into the design of process sequences within a short period of time. One focus of the proposed research project is therefore the metamodeling of process sequences. Metamodels of individual manufacturing processes are linked to cross-technology metamodels via previously identified transfer variables between the individual processes. Subsequently, the effects of the parameter reductions resulting from the selection of the most important parameters on the prediction accuracy of the overall model will be investigated so that an optimized parameter selection can be made.The second focus of the research project is the economic optimization of cross-technology metamodels. On the one hand, a method will be developed that enables meta cost models to be generated in order to determine the effects of individual process parameters on the costs of the process sequence. On the other hand, a novel optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithms will be developed, which enables the determination of economically optimized process parameters based on cross-technology metamodels and required component characteristics. The developed methodology will then be implemented in software and validated using two case studies.
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Fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging are important biophysical techniques to study the structure and dynamics of fluorescently labeled biomolecules and bridge these with their function under in vitro conditions or in living cells. To this end, we rely on the unique capabilities of recently developed fluorescence-based spectroscopy and imaging techniques in combination with multi-parameter detection that give maximum information and selectivity together with spatial resolution. The proposed microscope consists of two closely connected modules: (1) a confocal laser scanning unit with an ultimate dynamic range in time (picoseconds to minutes), and (2) a total internal reflection unit for super-resolution microscopy. Distances between two dyes on the molecular scale between 2 and 15 nm can be resolved by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements. If the inter-dye distances exceed 15 nm, super-resolution microscopy with single-molecule localization and colocalization analysis is most appropriate. For closing the gaps in time and space in fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging, we want to perform performing multi-modal microscopy on the same sample. We will realize a seamless implementation of a combination of FRET spectroscopy and super-resolution microscopy. In this way, we achieve molecular resolution and map structural and dynamic features of the biomolecular assemblies over a wide range of length scales. For gaining the maximum of information from the fluorescence signal, we want to probe more degrees of freedom in biomolecular dynamics by FRET. While the same distance distributions are obtainable from three two-color FRET experiments, information about the correlation of distance changes and thus the coordination of molecular movements is only obtained using three-color FRET. This is possible since three-color FRET experiments contain information about the co-occurrence of distances for the individual FRET pairs. In the proposed setup, we want to study single immobilized biomolecules under in vitro conditions and to perform seamless super-resolution FRET microscopy of biomolecules in a cellular context. To characterize single-molecule reactions, we want to employ microfluidics to shift reversible equilibria and to trigger reactions of immobilized molecules by adding ligands or binding partner or by varying reaction conditions (buffer, ionic strength, pH). The confocal module will be used to register single-molecule fluorescence intensity traces of single immobilized molecules for several colors with an ultimate time resolution. In addition, we will employ super-resolution FRET microscopy to study processes in biomolecular systems such as (1) Monitoring the membrane translocation and chaperone-dependent folding of a lipase, (2) Mapping functional molecules of innate immune defence on different length scales and (3) Deciphering the cellular signal initiation determinants of the apoptosis signaling complex.
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My research lies in the fields of low-dimensional topology and geometric group theory, in particular Riemann surfaces, mapping class groups and Teichmueller theory. I have been interested in understanding the mapping class group and its subgroups via their actions on the Teichmueller space and on certain simplicial complexes built from topological objects on the surfaces such as the curve complex, the arc complex or the flip graph. Recently I have employed these techniques in dynamics and started investigating the actions of the affine group on simplicial complexes built from saddle connections on a translation surface. My current research has three axis, which correspond to the three parts of this project: I. combinatorial actions of the mapping class group and rigidity; II. large scale geometry of complexes of (multi-)arcs and interactions between geometric group theory and dynamics; III.Thurston’s distance on the Teichmueller space and its generalizations in higher Teichmueller theory. Part I deals with mapping class groups and the simplicial rigidity problem. In the 1990s Ivanov proved that the mapping class group can be represented as the automorphism group of the curve complex. Subsequently, many other simplicial complexes associated to a surface have exhibited this same feature. Understanding what all these objects have in common is still an open problem (Ivanov’s metaconjecture). Recently Brendle-Margalit characterize one entire family of complexes with this property and formulated a precise conjecture in this regard. I am attacking this problem for multi-arcs and studying the model theory of the curve complex and other graphs associated to mapping class groups together with Thomas Koberda and Javier de la Nuez-Gonzalez. Part II deals with the geometric group theory of arc complexes, flip graphs, related algorithmic problems and a new application of these tools in dynamics. After foundational works by Masur-Minsky there has been a lot of interest in the large scale properties of the curve complex and other analogue combinatorial complexes. A recent trend in geometric group theory is to look at complexes of arcs and triangulations. Further motivations come from the many applications these objects have in other fields of mathematics (theoretical computer science, cluster algebras, quantum topology, Margulis space times...). I am interested in understanding the large scale geometry of the mapping class group via graphs of triangulations. I am developing a program with Anja Randecker and Robert Tang to employ techniques from geometric group theory in dynamics via the study of simplicial complexes built from saddle connections on a translation surface. Part III deals with Thurston’s distance on Teichmueller space. Thurston’s distance is an analogue of Teichmueller distance defined by Thurston. Together with Daniele Alessandrini we are generalizing Thurston’s results to surfaces with boundary.
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In 1453, the Western Christian world was shocked by the fall of Constantinople. While a lot of theologians and leaders of the Latin church focused on a military answer to the threat of Islam, some theologians of the Council of Basel developed non-violent ideas and conceptions how to face Islam. Among those scholars, John of Segovia (d. 1458), a friend of Council fellow Nicolas of Cusa (d. 1464), is one of the most important. He clearly saw the necessity of an adequate theological and intellectual and not military answer to Islam. He wrote three major works on this subject in form of letters or treatises which are often discussed in publications. But besides of these texts, he also wrote a series of smaller texts. He planned them to be a part of the corpus of texts with which he tried to influence important leaders and decision-makers in Rome and Burgundy. Until now, only some of them are edited and all of them are not translated from Latin. Despite of their quality and inner systematic value they are hardly read or taken into account when writing on the Western way of facing Islam in the 15th century. These smaller texts and fragments are:I. Errores legis MahumetiII. Allegationes de peccatis primi parentisIII. XVI Scholastica documentaIV. De spiratione activaV. Praefatio in translationem secundamVI. Fragmenta translationis AlkoraniVII. Epistola ad Guillielmum de Orliaco.While the texts I.–VI. aim at Islam in a direct or indirect way, text VII. reveals the spiritual and Christological background for John of Segovia’s engagement at that time. Together with others the applicant has edited the texts I., II., and VI. In the new project „Opera minora“ all texts I.–VI. will be edited, translated, commented, interpreted, and published together according to their context. This edition will be published in the series Corpus Islamo-Christianum, where the applicant has published John of Segovia’s major work "De gladio divini spiritus".The applicant will work together with Dr. Jesse D. Mann (Drew University, Madison, New Jersey) who has agreed to contribute text VII. with an English translation.
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The focus of this project is to develop synthetic notions of Ricci flow for non-smooth spaces. In the general framework of time evolutions of metric measure spaces we will use ideas of geometric analysis and optimal transport to give several synthetic characterizations of Ricci flow and analyze the behavior of such flows.A second major goal will be to exhibit functionals that behave monotonically under this notion of Ricci flow and to establish rigidity results characterizing extremal evolutions. In particular, we will investigate natural non-smooth analogues of Perelman's W entropy and L length and we will explore their relation to generalized notions of Ricci solitons.Finally, we aim to establish sharp geometric and analytic comparison results for time-dependent metric measure spaces under Ricci flow which extend to a dynamic setting the powerful results developed recently for static spaces with synthetic lower Ricci bounds.
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During the processing of polymers in various extrusion lines, more and more single-screw extruders with a grooved feed section are being used. This is due to their constant conveying characteristics which aren’t being influenced by the extrusion die. Because of the highly specific throughputs of these high-speed extruders, mixing units are applied at the end of the screw to ensure thermal and material homogeneity of the melt. A great challenge here is the design of these mixing units under consideration of varying requirements, which are interacting with each other. Therefore, a pure experimental evaluation of mixing elements is very time-consuming and cost-intensive. Also, the experimental setup does not allow a detailed insight into the mixing processes. In that case, the mixing unit represents a black-box which responds incalculably to any changes in the process or to modifications to the processed material properties. The computational fluid dynamics simulation is an alternative to the pure experimental design of mixing units. Regrettably, the existing methods for the prediction of the mixing quality have substantial shortcomings, which make the virtual design impossible. This fact has been verified in the literature as well as in own preliminary studies. In recent years, further research has been carried out at the applicant's research institute on the current state of the art, so that new and verified simulation models are now available that allow a holistic view of the mixing process in terms of distributive and dispersive mixing capability.The objective of this research project is to provide a tool which automatically optimizes a mixing geometry in regard to the distributive and dispersive mixing performance within a profitable time frame. Beside the mixing performance, flow and thermal properties such as pressure drop, residence time and melt temperature will be influencing the optimization as well. During an extensive validation of the optimization tool within a particular experimental setup, the validity of the simulation tool will be verified under different conditions. This experimental setup additionally enables a local evaluation of the mixing quality inside the mixing unit. Finally, this new approach will be compared to conventional alternatives and its advantages and disadvantages will be worked out.
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Microelectronic circuits used in space applications have to be resilient against radiation effects. The concept Internet-of-Space (IoS) will support the internet access in rural regions. In order to realize this concept, it is crucial to place radiation-hard electronic chips into the orbit, where they have to work reliable. Memristive memory devices are suited for such tasks because these electrical switching properties are based on ions instead of electrons. Besides their resilient properties in terms of radiation hardness, RRAMs are also non-volatile memories (NVM). To achieve the highest reliability of the used CMOS electronics in space or other terrestrial radiation contaminated environments, it is recommendable to store the content of the complete computing system in a timely periodic secure back-up store. For this kind of back-up system RRAMs are helpful due to their radiation hardness and the non-volatility of the data stored inside the memory cells in case of a power failure. Non-volatile memory processors, consisting of RRAMs are attractive for IoS applications. In this project, we want to go a step ahead and move some of the processing load to the RRAM memory in the sense of an in-memory computing concept. The in-memory operations will be carried out in the rad-hard sense amplifiers of a RRAM array by signal evaluation and direct integration of memristive RRAM cells in the processing step. To verify the functionality of the radiation-hard system architecture, we are targeting intensive simulation work. In the simulation environment a new model for memristive devices will be used for the investigation of the complete radiation-hard system architecture using in-memory computing for fault detection.The main focus of this proposal is to explore new technological and computational ideas. The radiation hard memory approach with a new non-volatile memory concept, so called RRAM, is the core of this approach. To successfully address this objective, we are also targeting the scope: highly innovative technology leading to improvements in performance and enabling emerging internet-of-space applications.
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The subject of the proposed research is Maikop “culture”, a phenomenon that emerged and existed in the 4th millennium BC (ca. 3950-3100 BC) between the Black Sea in the west to Chechnya in the east, from the Kuma and Manych Rivers in the north into the northern slopes of the Great Caucasian Mountains in the south. The appearance and existence of the phenomenon is explained by theories about migration, cultural emulation and participation in exchange networks/”networks of transmission”, to mere migration of artisans. Focusing on the metal objects or very special feature, prestigious finds and burials of the phenomenon neglected the main subjects and information sources. Scholars have been dealt with the Maikop phenomenon without analyzing its basic components.Maikop settlements remained in the shadow of kurgans and prestigious finds and most studies are characterized by a circular reasoning, exacerbated by a poor understanding of material culture and contexts. The material culture of the inhabitants of the Maikop settlements should be described before the discussion about contacts, influences, migrations and social stratification. Such discussions can not be based on fragmentary studied settlements and dozens of published kurgans. Theories on migration, long-distance trade and chiefs does not supply a sufficient description of the Maikop phenomenon, nor does it explain what does it mean to be Maikop.Systematic, high-resolution excavations, along with environmental and technological studies of various aspects of Maikop settlement material-culture are necessary for further discussion of the period. The proposed project is intended to address this gap through typo-technological definition of the pottery assemblage, based on high-resolution excavation, contextual analysis, and full publication of a key-site of the phenomenon. High-resolution, well-controlled research and excavations of Sereginskoe in the Kuban Valley form a procedure necessary to get out of the vicious circle of theories, built on a vague understanding of the material culture. A “thick” description of the Maikop material culture in its settlement context, based on close examination of various aspects of the material culture, will allow to identify basic behavioral traits of the Maikop people and to start telling the story of the phenomenon.
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Many fascinating phenomena in metallic materials are possibly connected to a "quantum phase transition" (QPT) at zero temperature. For example, the competition of different microscopical ordering tendencies near a QPT could be responsible for the mysterious vanishing resistance in high-temperature superconductors.The theoretical description of these QPTs is quite challenging due to strong interactions effects, and mostly relied on perturbative methods so far. That is, one introduces an artificial small parameter to render computations controlled. These methods have natural limitations, and might even lead to qualitatively wrong predictions.To make progress, I will contribute to the development of "non-peturbative" tools, with two points of attack: As a starting point, I will study a realistic model of a QPT in a metal, related to the onset of a density modulation. I will apply a novel analytical technique, entitled "interaction-driven scaling", which puts interaction effects in focus; as a result, an actual (non-artificial) small parameter should emerge, as indicated by my preliminary computations. This opens up the exciting prospect of solving the model exactly in the physically relevant limit of low energies. I will make predictions for experimental observables, and will also generalize the technique to other analytical applications. Second, I will explore the "interaction-driven scaling" in the context of the semi-numerical method "functional renormalization group" (fRG), which also does without an artificial small parameter. Furthermore, I plan the application of a recently developed extension called "multiloop fRG" , which is particularly suited to understand competing ordering tendencies in an unbiased fashion. By applying it to a simplified model of electrons known to host a QPT, I therefore hope to contribute to a better understanding of unconventional superconductivity.
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Children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and their families deserve optimal counselling with accurate outcome prediction and prognostication at the time of the prenatal diagnosis. Currently, established imaging techniques are insufficient to serve these demands. CDH specific and individual biomarkers obtained from maternal body fluids (e.g. plasma) would address this knowledge gap and add substantially to the current diagnostic work up. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have the potential to meet these requirements. Therefore, the main objective of the proposed project will be to determine if circRNAs can be used as biomarkers for prenatal prognostication and severity assessment in CDH.
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项目数:{{ pagination.total }}个
{{ supportNum }}万
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{{ info.ratify_no || '--' }}
{{ info.approval_year || '--' }}
负 责 人:
{{ info.abstract_c || info.abstract_e }}
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