Maize is a multi-purpose crop which is utilized as food, feed and bio-energy, and contributes significantly to economies. Phosphorus deficiency is one of the major constraints limiting maize yield and quality. LBD transcription factors play important roles in regulating plant growth and development and stress response. However, distinct molecular mechanism of most of these LBD members remain unclear. Findings from our previous studies showed that the expression patterns of ZmLBD1 were significantly different between phosphorus deficiency tolerant and sensitive maize inbred lines. Expression of ZmLBD1 was significantly induced by phosphorus stress in roots of phosphorus tolerant inbred lines. Functional mutant complementarity experiments showed that ZmLBD1 could complement lateral root formation and growth in Arabidopsis. In this study, we intend to further validate the biological function of ZmLBD1 and its phenotypic differences between overexpression and CRISPR/Cas9 in response to phosphorus deficiency stress. In order to dissect the genetic basis of ZmLBD1 in response to phosphorus deficiency and the molecular mechanism of promoting root growth and development, the main approaches include gene clone, association and expression analysis, subcellular localization, Y1H and Y2H library screening, double luciferase detection and Co-IP. The results could enhance clarity on the functional roles of ZmLBD1. In conclusion, our research can enrich people's understanding of plant root morphogenesis, and offer theoretical scope to better understand the molecular mechanism of plant response to phosphorus stress, as well as, identifying and utilizing phosphorus-tolerance germplasm in maize.
根系构型重建是植物适应逆境胁迫的重要调控机制,LBD转录因子是调控植物根系发育和逆境响应的重要成员,而ZmLBD1在玉米中对低磷胁迫的响应及其调控机制未见报道。本研究利用301份玉米自交系组成的自然群体,关联分析发现ZmLBD1与玉米苗期低磷胁迫的根系相关性状的显著关联,表明该基因可能具有响应低磷胁迫并调控根系发育的生物学功能。基于XP-CLR的选择扫描和Tajima’s D的中性检验分析,发现ZmLBD1受强烈的纯化选择,暗示该基因生物学功能高度保守,尚未受到人工驯化选择压力。表达分析发现ZmLBD1定位于细胞核和细胞质,且在耐低磷玉米自交系178根系中被低磷胁迫显著诱导表达,免疫组化(IHC)检测发现ZmLBD1在低磷胁迫后的侧根原基显著富集。过表达ZmLBD1能部分恢复拟南芥双突变体lbd16 lbd18的无侧根表型。正常和缺磷条件下,ZmLBD1过表达拟南芥均显著促进根系的生长发育,增强拟南芥对低磷胁迫的耐受性。利用CRISPR/Cas9技术获得多个玉米敲除突变体zmlbd1,与野生型相比,zmlbd1在根系形态上均表现出不同程度的生长发育缺陷,表明ZmLBD1在响应低磷胁迫的同时具有正向调节植物根系发育的功能。利用Y2H、Split-luc和Co-IP等技术筛选并验证互作蛋白ZmEXB7,过量表达发现能部分恢复三重突变体lbd16 lbd18 lbd29的侧根发育表型,表明ZmLBD1与ZmEXB7互作协同促进侧根发育。进一步利用Y1H技术并结合MESA和双荧光报告系统检测,筛选到ZmLBD1的上游调控因子ZmERF2直接结合GC box促进ZmLBD1的转录。本研究结果表明ZmLBD1是一个被低磷磷胁迫诱导表达,促进植物侧根发生的关键基因。